Monday, May 29, 2017

Thank You

Parkvale School
Howard Street                                    
Hastings 4122

Dear Jay-Bea,

I am writing this letter to you to say a massive thank you for giving up your precious time and energy for us on camp last week. I really enjoyed camp with you and loved all of those funny moments.

My best highlight was the amazing race. I liked it when we came to you, the tarp was hard. We had to work together to flip it. I stood at the front shimming it. It was funny when Dylan kept falling off. After many attempts we finally completed our hard task.

Another good highlight was kayaking, It was funny when we crashed into you and you started splashing us. “ABORT! ABORT!” I screamed in laughter. Splash! The water is freezing, I said whilst trying to swim out of the cold water.

Claw, Claw. Everyone shivering over the massive wetas just waiting for the right time to pounce on us. The last cave was a nightmare. Crawling over mud thicker than my body,I was beyond scared straight.

An interesting fact I learned is that Lake Waikaremoana was formed about 2,200 years ago when a massive landslip blocked a gorge along the Waikaretāheke River. The gorge filled with water, creating a lake up to 248 metres deep in some spots.

Yours Sincerely

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